What is a cross-stitch? cross stitch patterns


 Which country does the cross-stitch belong to?

Cross-stitch embroidery is a very old handicraft that has as much history as humanity and started with sewing. The first examples are found in Central Asian Turks. This art of embroidery spread to the west and other countries with migrations.

What is the cross-stitch processed?

It can be embroidered on cross-stitch towels, curtains, shirts, toys and many different objects. Cross-stitch is made by creating patterns in small cross-stitch embroidery using a special needle and cross-stitch thread, and turning these patterns into two-dimensional shapes and images when desired.

What is the cross-stitch technique?

Cross-stitch is a cross-shaped embroidery with colored threads on a sparsely woven linen cloth. On the other hand, fabrics with tight touches can be embroidered using canvas. The canvas cloth cut in accordance with the dimensions of the motif or water (border) to be embroidered is tacked on the main fabric.

What fabric is the cross-stitch made of?

Usually cross-shaped, an average of 14ct. 16ct. and 18ct. Etamine fabric is the type of fabric that is produced in sizes and processed with 2 layers of 6-ply muline yarn. It is another name for cross-stitch, tapestry, crossed, half-crossed etamine fabric.

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