What is myoma in women? Symptoms.


 What is myoma? is one of the most common gynecological diseases. Twenty-five of every 100 women develop fibroids, and a third of these women also develop a problem. This disease originating from the uterine tissue is defined as benign masses that protrude outside or inside the uterus. The cause of this occurrence is generally thought to be genetic.

Benign masses with smooth muscle and density are called fibroids. The incidence of fibroids, which are very common masses in women, is about 8 percent during pregnancy. The behavior of uterine fibroids during pregnancy differs from that of non-pregnant women. Hormones and genetic factors play an important role in the formation of fibroids. Behind the appearance of fibroids during pregnancy; increased hormone secretions, especially the secretion of the human chorionic gonodatropin hormone secreted during pregnancy and the enlargement of the uterus with the increasing amount of blood.

What discomfort does a uterine fibroid cause?

Seen due to myoma compression; findings such as intra-abdominal pressure and pain sensation. Reproductive function disorders such as infertility or pregnancy-related complications, painful sexual intercourse Urinary findings such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, feeling of incomplete urination

In order to pose a risk, the region where the fibroid is located in the uterus, its number and size play an active role. Generally;

May pose a risk of premature birth,

The probability of being low increases,

Incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus,

The danger of premature separation of the placenta,

Causing developmental disorders in infants,

The possibility of increasing the risk of cesarean section,

It has risks such as severe postpartum bleeding.

In your health problems, you should definitely consult your doctor without wasting any time.

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