Strange but true bizarre lifestyles.


 We have compiled different lifestyles for you that you will say "No more" when you hear it. What are the different lifestyles that people from all over the world choose? Why are they living the life they chose?

1- 21st century Victorian woman

If you ask me, believe me, I could think of living in any age other than this age. Sarah Chrisman seriously thought about it and implemented it. How Does? Sarah Chrisman changed her life completely on her 29th birthday with a corset from her husband. To delve deeper into Victorian women's fashion, she was inspired by the corset and began dressing this way specifically.

2- The man who lived as a dog

The lifestyle of 48-year-old Born Gary Matthews is quite interesting. I don't want to simplify by saying "interesting", but it's really interesting... According to Matthews, he's actually a Boomer dog. He was so convinced of this fact that he wore a dog collar, ate dog food from a bowl, loved milk bones and dog cookies. He even barked like other dogs in his backyard, chasing cars and digging bones.

3- The man who lives with cockroaches

I know many of you won't like this title, but every title is "What more?" I am shocked once again when I think about it. You may not be afraid of cockroaches, but you don't enjoy living either! Unlike many people, Kyle Kandilian, a college student from Dearborn, Michigan, is not afraid of cockroaches, he lives with tens of thousands of them; It is estimated that he keeps about 200,000 insects in his home. Its room is not allowed to pass 130 kinds of cockroach colonies.

4- 700 cat woman

Love for animals is a feeling that should be in every human being. I honestly can't help but think. Lynea Lattanzio, who devoted herself to rescuing cats after her divorce in 1981, lived with exactly 700 cats. He has rescued more than 19,000 felines since 1981, and now lives alone with 700 cats on a 12-acre property in Parlier.

5-The man who can eat anything

Have you ever thought that when you say everything, you can seriously eat everything? Whether this is really possible is debatable. But as we have seen, Michel Lotito has succeeded in making the impossible possible. Lotito, who broke the world record many times, built his life on eating everything. He could eat many substances, from metal to rubber, like olives and cheese, without being poisoned or affecting his quality of life.


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