What is the definition of religion?


 What is the definition of religion?

Religion is a socio-cultural system of morals, worldviews, scriptures and places, prophecies, ethical establishments, often associated with supernatural, transcendental and spiritual elements, including various rites and practices.

What are 4 religions?

Prophet of Islam religion Hz. Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh). As we mentioned above, there are 4 religions in the world. These four religions are Islam, Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.

Where did religion come from?

It is not possible to make definite judgments about the history of the emergence of religions. However, the archaeological findings we have and the researches carried out by anthropologists on communities living in the natural environment reveal that belief systems (religions) emerged 40-50 thousand years ago.

Which religion is the first religion?

Hinduism is the oldest known religion. More precisely, the religion of Hinduism is thought to be the oldest religion.

Why does a person need religion?

There is a need for religious/moral rules in order for a person to keep his spiritual and demonic feelings under control. In this respect, religion is the head of all kinds of moral virtues, so there is a need for religion in individual and social life.

Which religions did the 4 books belong to?

There are 3 books that have been modified according to the Islamic faith. Torah (modified by Judaism), Psalms (modified by Judaism), Bible (modified by Christianity). The only book that has not been changed is the Qur'an.

Prophet Adam is the prophet of which religion?

Muslims believe that Adam was the first created man and the first prophet. According to belief, Allah created him in the image of Rahman and breathed into him from his own spirit. According to the Torah or Jewish sources, Adam is considered to have lived for 1000 or 2000 years. He entered Islam with hadiths.

How many wives did Prophet Adam have?

According to Christianity and Judaism, Adam had another wife named Lilith before Eve.

What language does Prophet Adam speak?

When Adam (A.S.) descended from Heaven to earth, he spoke Syriac with his wife and children.

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