Morning Yoga Is Better Than Fitness - Strength and Stretching


A 15-minute yoga exercise aims to strengthen and stretch your body. An excellent morning yoga practice that you can do anytime and almost anywhere to wake up your body.

Many people ask what is the best exercise program to do when they wake up? Is a cardio workout or strength workout better in the morning?

The best morning workout you can do to wake up your body is a mix of heart training exercises, strength and stretching yoga poses throughout the workout. This 15-minute strength and stretch yoga class will do just that! You'll get your heart rate up, sweat out, work your abs, and stretch your shoulders, hamstrings, and upper body.

If you want to relieve your morning tiredness, refocus your mind to start your day, or wake up every muscle in your body, this is the perfect morning yoga class for you.

Pair a yoga workout class with some of my other fitness videos this morning to create an hour-long full-body workout!

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