What is theological view, philosophy?


 Theology is the discipline that systematically deals with the concept of "god" and the phenomenon of religion. Its main subject is supernatural powers but deals with religious epistemology and revelation. It reaches the acceptance of the existence of god or gods through revelation.

What is theological view, philosophy?

As a philosophy of religion, theology focuses on the concept of god. He seeks answers to questions about supernatural powers, revelations and the existence of god. It explores the acceptance of assets. As theology is a discipline that is dealt with academically, those who deal with this science are called theologians and theologians. 

What is theological understanding?

Theology (Greek: θεος, theos, "God" + λογος, logos, "science") or theology is the discipline that systematically deals with the concept of "god" and the phenomenon of religion. Its main subject is supernatural powers but deals with religious epistemology and revelation. It reaches the acceptance of the existence of god or gods through revelation.

What do teleological theories focus on?

Teleological Moral Theory. This theory, which has a consequentialist structure, is directed towards desired results and imagined goals and objectives. It evaluates the morality of the actions by focusing on the results and forms its normative basis on the basis of the good. Therefore, moral behavior should be goal-oriented.


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