Twitter acquires a mobile platform called OpenBack


 Twitter acquires a mobile platform called OpenBack

To use Jay Sul in the company's best use, "OpenBack and his team's implementation on Twitter will be right to benefit everyone.

The current OpenBack job will end. Its developers are joining Twitter's Bluebird product team. The company declined to share the terms of the deal. Of course, the goal is to increase the level of interaction with the platform, which will help users generate more income. The company's revenue grew more slowly than expected in the last quarter of 2021. Its total revenue in 2021 was just over $5 billion. The company hopes to increase that by 50 percent by the end of 2023.

Founded in 2015, OpenBack is a platform that aims to make apps more engaging through device-side control of push notifications. With this acquisition, Twitter reveals that it continues to look for ways to better personalize users' experience. Twitter will have improved the notification experience so it can connect people with relevant content at the right time.Source: Twitter acquires OpenBack

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