Forgot your password, recover your Instagram account


 If you can't login to your Instagram account

In some cases where you cannot log into your Instagram account, you may need to recover your account. You may have forgotten your password, recently changed your email address or phone number, or your account may have been stolen by someone else.

If you have previously linked your Instagram account with Facebook, your job is easy. Open with a web browser from your computer or phone, click "Sign In" and select "Continue with Facebook" above. Enter your Facebook information, that's it.

This method will only work if you have merged your Instagram account with Facebook and you remember your Facebook login information. If you don't remember them, "Forgot your password?" Click on the question.

Reset your password

Did you forget your password? On the screen that comes up after clicking the question, enter your username, e-mail address or phone number you use for your Instagram account. If it is an email or sms according to your option, a one-time link will be sent to access Instagram. If you do not remember the e-mail address you used in the account or if you did not save your phone number on Instagram, enter your username here. Instagram sends an email with a link to the email address linked to your account. Check all your e-mail accounts you have. Click this link to access your account and change your user information immediately.

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