What is fitra, and to whom should it be given?


 What is fitra?

The alms of fitra (sadaka-i fitr), which we know as fitre; As a gratitude for being created as a human being and fasting in Ramadan and reaching the holiday; It is a sadaqah that is obligatory for a Muslim who is rich in religion and reaches the end of Ramadan to give to certain people.

Who is not given the fitra?

One cannot give alms of fitr to his mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, children, grandchildren, wife, rich, or a child whose father is rich and who is not a teenager.

Does everyone have to give fitra?

The person is obliged to give the fitrah of himself and his young children. Hz. The Prophet stated that fitra is necessary for every Muslim, whether slave or free, big or small, male or female (Abu Dawud, Zakat, 20). The time when the fitr alms becomes obligatory is the first day of Eid al-Fitr, but it can also be given before Eid.

Does he have to give fitra without a condition?

Anyone who is not rich in religion can receive fitrah and zakat. It is obligatory for a Muslim to give fitra if he has more than the goods and debts he needs, as much as the nisab of zakat. It is haram to receive fitra, zakat.

What is the condition of the fitre?

Who should give fitra? Muslims who have attained the Eid-al-Fitr and who have a nisab amount of goods (80.18 grams of gold or this value) other than their basic needs and one-year debts are obliged to give alms of fitr for themselves and those under their guardianship.

Since the gram of gold is around 900 TL in April 2022; when basic needs and debts are deducted, people whose annual income and assets are over 72.000 TL must give a fitra for themselves and their underage children. As of 2022, this amount has been calculated as 40 TL per person. .

What should be considered when giving fitra?

Fitre is given to the poor by giving it with intention, it is not fitra in the way of making it permissible. Intention can be made while separating or giving the fitrah. However, it is not necessary to say that it is fitrah when giving it to the poor. A person cannot give his fitrah to his wife, to his family, that is to his mother or father, to his children and grandchildren.

Can a person who buys fitra give fitra?

Some citizens pay fitrah even though they receive fitra, or they pay zakat even though they receive zakat. Such a situation cannot exist.

Can the father give fitra to his son-in-law?

Zakat can be given to the poor groom and bride. Because there is no relation between them and the person who gives zakat, and the person who gives zakat is not obliged to look after them.


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