What does metaphysical events mean?


 Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy. The word "metaphysics", which means "beyond the physical sciences", was introduced to philosophy by the first philosophers. His studies are on concepts such as existence, existence, universal, property, relationship, cause, space, time, god, event.

What does metaphysical thought mean?

Metaphysical thinking, as the opposite of dialectical thinking, includes natural, conscious and social objects and phenomena; It is to think as immobile, independent, without contradiction, unchanging and undevelopable.

What is Metaphysics and Its Examples?

Metaphysics has existed since the time of Plato and Aristotle, long before quantum physics related discoveries. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, the relationship between mind and matter, essence and quality, possibility and reality.

What does metaphysical events mean?

The branch of science and philosophy that examines phenomena that cannot be perceived by the senses and defined as metaphysics is called metaphysics. At the beginning of the fields of metaphysics are human existence, the universe and God.

What is realist metaphysics?


Accordingly, a realist perspective is dominant in terms of metaphysics. In other words, philosophy has been made by accepting that there is an external reality independent of the mind.

What does positivist thinking mean?

Positivism, positivism, is the name given to two philosophical ideas. Both ideas have understanding of science that does not include theology and metaphysics, but is based only on the realities of the physical or material world. The older positivism is the idea put forward by Auguste Comte in the 19th century.

What is nihilistic thought?

Nihilists deny the existence of God, the freedom of the will, the possibility of knowledge, morality, and the happy ending of history. It is a philosophical approach that rose in the middle of the 19th century by finding supporters, especially among the young intellectual segment, and therefore took its place among the great philosophical movements.


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